It's not water-it's life water bottle promo
It's not water-it's life water bottle promo

Water is an essential ingredient for a healthy life. In fact, it’s not water-it’s life itself. Here are a few fun and important facts about that life giving liquid:


  1. Naturally detoxifying
  2. Healthy
  3. Good for your skin
  4. Sometimes you think you are hungry, but you’re really thirsty
  5. Stay hydrated in Colorado and other high altitude locations
  6. 70% of our body is water
  7. Drink more when exercising and consuming alcohol to avoid headaches
  8. Increases metabolism
  9. A person needs 60-80oz a day to help fat loss
  10. Every organ needs water to function properly
  11. Fights fatigue
  12. It’s free!


To help you keep up with your water intake; Kaufman Health and Hormone Center has a sweet deal for you…

For a limited time (through January 31st) stop by the office and replenish your supplements and get an awesome water bottle too with the following purchases:

  • Spend $175 and receive a KHHC exclusive stainless steel water bottle 
  • Spend $200 and receive KHHC exclusive stainless steel water bottle and additional 10%
  • Spent $300  and receive KHHC exclusive stainless steel water bottle and an additional18.74% percent

While supplies last, offer good through January 31st and is only available on in-office purchases.

Call or e-mail to to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kaufman and take control of your health today.

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New Year New Year offers

PushCatch® Liver Detox – 15% Off

PushCatch® Liver Detox protocol targets toxins at the cellular level and supports all three phases of the body’s natural detoxification process with science-backed ingredients. LEARN MORE

Purchase in-office for just $113

Get $15 Off Recovery & Performance IV 

+ $5 Off LIPO + Methyl B12

This custom blend supports muscle repair, reduces inflammation, and gives you the energy boost you need to thrive. LEARN MORE

~ Both specials are good through 1/31/2025 ~

Call for appointment (720) 639-2736