SPECIAL OFFER: Clear Change 10-Day Program

SPECIAL OFFER: Clear Change 10-Day Program

The Clear Change 10-Day Program is designed to enhance the body’s natural metabolic detoxification process while providing adequate fuel for both cleansing and other daily activities—providing energy and support for overall wellbeing. Completing a 10-day metabolic detoxification program two to three times a year may be beneficial for some individuals.*
The Clear Change 10-Day Program is designed to enhance the body’s natural metabolic detoxification process while providing adequate fuel for both cleansing and other daily activities—providing energy and support for overall wellbeing. Completing a 10-day metabolic detoxification program two to three times a year may be beneficial for some individuals.*

The Clear Change 10-Day Program is designed to enhance the body’s natural metabolic detoxification process while providing adequate fuel for both cleansing and other daily activities—providing energy and support for overall wellbeing. Completing a 10-day metabolic detoxification program two to three times a year may be beneficial for some individuals.*

  • Nutritional support for Phase I, II, and III detoxification
  • Includes additional metabolic detoxification and antioxidant support*
  • Includes detailed program guide with comprehensive menu plan*
Metagenics Clear CHange 10 Day RENEW

The Clear Change 10-Day Program, developed to help you start down the right path to health and energy in 2024.

Metagenics 10 day on sale for $110

Offer available Jan. 1 – 8, 2024 in office

Pick one up in the office – call or message us through your Patient Portal to get yours! 720.639.2736

I was recommended this product to help with anxiety and general wellness. I have done juicing etc in the past but struggled to complete the full program. I was concerned 10 days would be a challenge, but this was a breeze and now am considering the 28 day next time. The diet portion didn’t deviate far from my current habits. Some days were challenging with the number of fish dishes in a row, and the lack of wine. I opted for vanilla and looked forward to the supplement part of the day.

I finished the program and cannot remember the last time I felt this mentally clear, rested, and overall calm. I would highly recommended this to anyone. ~ Jodi

Before starting this cleanse everything was upsetting my stomach. I was always boated and felt uncomfortable. I’m currently on day 7 and my stomach feels a lot better. Day 5-7 are hard but I have energy and am not hungry. Now when I start reintroducing food I can see what doesn’t agree with me. ~ Kay

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New Year New Year offers

PushCatch® Liver Detox – 15% Off

PushCatch® Liver Detox protocol targets toxins at the cellular level and supports all three phases of the body’s natural detoxification process with science-backed ingredients. LEARN MORE

Purchase in-office for just $113

Get $15 Off Recovery & Performance IV 

+ $5 Off LIPO + Methyl B12

This custom blend supports muscle repair, reduces inflammation, and gives you the energy boost you need to thrive. LEARN MORE

~ Both specials are good through 1/31/2025 ~

Call for appointment (720) 639-2736