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Search Results for: hormone therapy – Page 2

feeling a little out of balance? injectable hormone pellets could be a solution to symptoms relted to hormone imbalance. Kaufman Health and Hormone Cent
Hormone Health

Feeling a little out of balance?

It might be your hormones… Both men and women can suffer from hormonal imbalance. While diet and exercise can play a role, symptoms of hormonal imbalance may include: lack of

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Dr Karen Kaufman specialty is Functional as well as conventional medicine

Conventional and Functional Medicine

Conventional and Functional Medicine Functional Medicine for the 21st Century Functional medicine is an evolution of the practice of medicine that better responds to the healthcare needs of the 21st century.

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Meet Dr. Karen Kaufman, conventional and functional medicine specialist, aesthetics, supplements, hormone therapy

Meet Dr. Karen Kaufman

Meet Dr. Karen Kaufman Karen Kaufman, MD is a board-certified Obstetrician/Gynecologist who has been practicing in Boulder, Colorado since 2003. She graduated with her MD from Case Western Reserve School of

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Karen Kaufman MD talks about reducing breast cancer risks. Photo by Caspar Rae on
Hormone Health

Reducing Breast Cancer Risk

Breast cancer is the number one killer of women age 45 to 60 and the range of those affected is growing, however, there is a lot that women can do

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Karen Kaufman conventional medicine
Functional Medicine

Functional Medicine

Functional Medicine for the 21st Century Functional medicine is an evolution of the practice of medicine that better responds to the healthcare needs of the 21st century. Focused on addressing

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Comprehensive health care at Kaufman Health and Hormone Center formerly of The Thayer Group for Women's Care
Functional Medicine

Comprehensive Health Care

Offering Comprehensive Health Care Last October I was pleased to open the Kaufman Health and Hormone Center in Louisville, Colorado. For 5 ½ years at The Thayer Group for Women’s

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Gia McCloskey-Jurevich specializing in Integrative and Functional Medicine for Kaufman Health and Hormone Center

Meet Gia McCloskey-Jurevich NP

Meet Gia McCloskey-Jurevich NP Dr. Karen Kaufman is pleased to welcome Gia McCloskey-Jurevich, NP  to the Kaufman Health and Hormone Center. Gia brings a wealth of experience, with a full

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Tips on how to Beat the Heat During Menopause
Functional Medicine

Beat The heat during Menopause

When estrogen levels begin to drop, the body’s natural thermostat experiences increased sensitivity. Hot flashes are triggered by small elevations in temperature in a reduced thermoneutral zone. Hot flashes are the

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Trigger Point Injections with Vanessa Fitzgerald, NP at Kaufman Health abd Hormone Center

Trigger Point Injections

Trigger Point Injections What are Trigger Points? A trigger point is a small, painful knot in the muscle that occurs when muscles do not relax properly. They can feel like

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